Monday, February 28, 2011

What Are Quickbooks Product Number

He is ready

.... Through our sleeping bag, hopefully he promises what the name implies, ...

thanks to Einchen for the tip, I did it without zip sewn

I wish you a great day

the pattern gets your here
Embroidery at huups

see yah Jaik

Iliac Crest Bump Back

small addition .... It ranges

... first love ... all thanks ,...... for your encouraging comments and emails
there are, fortunately, quite a lot of lovely people who stand behind!
Indeed, some sentences touched me quite nicely ..... me sentimental cow :-)!

A small addition, or a little something for the Schlaukacker out there, I've
still are just ... because when I'm at it, :-) nech

First, I have very close with the blog meant seriously ... and in the last few months
drawn several times into consideration ... this was not easy Sun
then said ... it is a little bit about my current life / emotional situation.

with this statement I did not comments or even clicks "And I must catch "!:-)
also not on the blog ranking at the top .... nee ... this pressure
I would like to expose myself not at all!

It happened to me when the subject does not concern the sale of the cut, and so from the customer decides
because, although he of course does ...
.... but the thing itself, as written in previous post already clearly!

If I would go over and exclusively about money, there would probably far more than
3 Ebooks and only a handful of embroidery in my shop.

But if I do something, then, because I just think it's great and I can even order indentifizieren
and not because it is the seller / wird.....das
stands first in second place ..... and one can see, if you see it because

There is also love contacts with customers and former customers ....
former because they now even sew ;-),
now also conjure the nice things because they have found my blog ....
from day to day become more courageous sind.Und they write to me too!
That's fantastic!

too, is blogging ... or what could result from it .....
too, can only make you happy ..... creativity to pass, pass on, so to speak.

What I then almost the final word would be, because I love the creativity of my
Daddy, not my mom, as so common, that is in control have been .....
AND .... He has given me something
along the way ......... and just / only reason I wrote these two posts
!!!!!!............ ..
Even when the professionally for one or the other now do not just appear
,...... I do not care ...... honest ...... I wanted professionally
ere never be real, but human remains, and above all I myself!

I wish you, all that you desire ♥

Are Swore Swollen Gums Part Of Strep Throat

Be a hero for Lucas

also ... I would like to participate in the campaign, because I am grateful to God to have healthy children

unfortunately, there are very much children who are just not doing well and which must be helped

and as we do with at the big auction action to which Yvonne called (magic fairy light)

has a whole bunch of blogs are the goodies auctioned and the full proceeds going to the
(German Bone Marrow Donor)
next because of a typing can also a monetary donation to help

I thought about this point that I want to sell my ebooks to you and would like to donate half of the amount, so who one of my ebooks,
Panty Ebook (3,50 €), Ballonhut Ebook (3 €) want to buy Tripp Trapp Cushion Ebook (4 €), belt pads Ebook (4 €) or baby bib Ebook (4.50 €) sends me an e-mail to

and get further data

This is where Mr. Linky on to find the other auctions

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Fairy Tales Work For Lice

EVITA comes ...

... and thus a super-combined pattern.
The shirt with a cheeky cut is by
short or Langarmvariante absolutely changeable ...

... just like the pants
(as the little sister of Qumaira)
in 3/4- or 1/1-Länge,
with or without additional
seams can be stitched.
there `s The pattern then from mid-March at Claudia .

LG, Heike

Painkiller Withdrawal Chat


The whole time I thought I speak, let, talk is always, and usually bad anyway!

has since opened, but now probably someone's race against me and various
ladies (which I do not even know), even
already spread falsehoods in comments such as "TOP copied 1:1, etc., not to
Ganz, of public postings on Facebook, I will "keep quiet" anymore. let
rumhacken and on to me

I have an original mail to the lady, where she writes clearly, that she believes in no case
which I copied from their have!!
Their blog, I did not previously know geschweide because this Ebook!
Even my inspiration comes not from the way the blogger world!

So WHAT should, then please ???????????? this chase of me And
HOW can say someone is copying something if he does not know the e-book??
It includes variants that has given so still not!

There is already ancient times are Empirehängerchen and tops .... many cuts, also well-known manufacturers of
.... sometimes with triangles, sometimes
around! Yet just always different! ... Taking us back to " wheel "would be!
Just as has given it as bags or pillows in every shape and kind always! can

I started last year to make drawings, how to sew
something like best and write down thoughts about the HOW ......
meantime I have, however, maintained for months
my dying father, or looked after ..
... sorry .... . MUST I apologize ????? The
this has delayed because of this??
NO I must not!
I have not done anything!

Posted by Uschi Start:
I think if everyone who feels any way to come into the tie only would just think about how his words would probably contribute to it even if they were posted to him on the blog, I believe, then so many words would be written.

This eternal carping about copycat and the constant "Spend Down", this Giftspritzerei others
is indeed no longer stand it !..... and then always nice public !.....
Schonmal considering that you can push people thus far in the corner, they choose to commit suicide ?????!!!!

And yes I also come across well on most of those who call literally to make another blog down because they have something against the line goes something like this could be called rush !...... even knowingly.
In this sense:
"live and let live" ...... this is a ...

happiness is the only thing that is doubled when you share it
. (Albert Schweitzer) and

the true art of living are already happy if they are not unhappy!

I like my blog, but I love my family and my true friends!
is And that's what counts!
And I let myself not stamped by others for a bad man, I'm not

If that is this far, then I will decide rather to the blog and my other
important things to remember!
Life can horribly be short, has shown me the past unfortunately
several times and this is not worth it !.... I'm that is not the man to whom everything goes on ..... and the
a good thing!

Attaching Curtain Panels Together

We are listed - Heli Halle Berlin BETA TEST -

here is the ultimate tester list for the Lotus RC T580
rising anticipation.
Here is a photo that is in the box. Now the first boxes are shipped. I once emailed LotusRc. Expected to take until the end of March. Also should be accompanied by an invoice price for the T580, just for the customs. 400.-US $. Ok just because the value of goods in transit damage. 80th - € duty may be payable, I have to pay. Klaro!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Free Vegetarian Meal Planners.

♥ ♥ Happy couching

... is still not happy easter, eh ... now enough time
extreme couching done, but I have seen yesterday with ner
dear friend "LUXURY" Noise ", and it was a live
bissel late early uh ... it probably meets

:-) And now now a clean up ... and there are bissi
me actually lüla eggs from last year
with the glittering of rabbits the way "fallen" :-))
yippee .... Easter is saved, or from time to time one must
just clean up someone 'then
much good again :-)

you a sunny weekend ♥

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dark Brown Discharge Kidney Pain


... it's another year ... she was just in the world is now ,.... Hannah already the fifth mouse ..

these monsters are waiting now in kindergarten on distribution ...

the little man happy yet about his delicious bread and can not do without the candy ,....
in that sense, I'll take it even further preparations for this day for carnival birthday and'm off

love Jaik

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can You Use Regular Peroxide On Genital Herpes?

birthday birthday preparations and shirt

... tomorrow has come, the little mouse is 5
a shirt is just in time at the sewing machine hergeflutscht ,,....(-:

the table is prepared, the Cookie Monster Muffins for KIGA even if finished, lacking only the cookies in the little mouth, I do that tomorrow morning, I Hüppe now to bed, ...

nice evening and good night rest

Does Hair Dye Smell Like A Period

... today found that this particle is probably too small
* sniff *.... na broadcast times, what can be done here!
I have to do then the next day times :-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lia Sopia Invitations

... all mixed up I got today for tomorrow we mean by 5 clock from bed because I thought we had overslept, I almost was already in schoolchildren in the door before me somehow seemed strange, Marten has slept only by as much as 12:30 h and I am now quite ko

planning for this day sewing Birthday Shirt

and complete the shown clusters, ...

nice day Jaik

What Color Makes Hazel Eyes Pop

film in the hall and clean water .................. Flight

What Do You Wear After Giving Birth

you ♥ ♥ ..... Take NEN

... coffee and then read here at times Uschi that has really made the effort
, that which many located in the heart
to put into words!
Thanks Uschi ... You are great!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Build Own Fireplace Mantel

Na super ... a bunch ...

,.... my stash as a teaser ,,.... the RV is still missing, therefore, does not go far

Is A Body Temp Of 96.8 Ok

♥ ♥ TOP Hängerchen

...... TOP Hängerchen ... . colorfully ...... as a dress version,
embroidered with flowers of the great woman
Tinimi !

... well ..... and now it has come ... now is the e-book
TOP Hängerchen HERE find .... by the way
can also sew just fine as a night shirt :-)

all necessary additional information find your
also there!

a very nice thank you to this point, especially
to the sample garment workers, who not only really great examples
have sewn, but have confessed to me with advice and assistance
page that would be without them, there are so many Ebook
even not give! ♥ THANK YOU ♥

Greetings Biggi

U Of T Admission Averages 2010

birthday crown tutorial move instructions

On Friday it's now ready and our fifth mouse is already a long time ... I wanted to sew a birthday crown, but somehow the birthday was so suddenly ... well this year I did it and I thought, maybe like one or the other also times a sew ... so I created a tutorial, you can click the cut size and then print borderless, ... I've stuck together then 3 A 4 sheets and I've painted below a guide completely over the three leaves, then I recorded the anchor piece and left it for 5 crown spikes drawn parts. Thus, the pattern has attended completed:

Now 1x external fabric lining

1x 1x 1 cm thick batting
Velcro also in the desired length and go

batting to the seam allowance of the outer fabric to stitch cut back

Velcro position and sew on the outer fabric with the batting

I have also attached a piece of Velcro for the birthday number

on the lining, the counterpart to attach Velcro strap
lining right sides of the outer fabric stuck

sew, taking down a turn opening can be cut back

seam allowance and bevel the edges contact

and turn opening close

Velcro Attach button may still decorate the top with me There Were three little flower
and DONE! Have fun reworking, love ... I'm looking on it

Greetings Jaik